Are you in the middle of planning a remodel of your East Brunswick home? One of the most common rooms to start with is the kitchen. It comes as no surprise given how hard we use the space. Plus, we spend time in there solo, with family and entertaining friends. Just try to get a dinner party out of the kitchen before food is officially served! If you’ve been flipping through the magazines, you may have noted a trend that’s been around a while. Namely, the white kitchen cabinet craze. Followed closely by the white subway tile extravaganza. Accompanied by the white marble countertop hype. What’s up with these all-white kitchen cabinets and why are people choosing them when they remodel their home?

Cleanliness Is Next to Godliness

Compare the look of a pure white to a yellow-tinged one. What do you see? While a softer white will lend warmth to a room, a purer version will look cleaner. Plus, it’s easy to find and remove stains with a pure white room. Bleach pens might even become your new best friend. With white kitchen cabinets, you’ll have a clean-looking space that impresses guests. Dark kitchens may hide the dust and grime — but only at a distance. The second you get up close and personal, you’ll see just how gross the surface has grown.

A Calming Effect

Imagine coming home from work after a long day. You have to get dinner on the table before soccer practice. You’re already running late. A cool and serene kitchen is a space to relax and feel in control — instead of boxed in. Darker rooms can make you feel like the walls are closing in on you, especially when you’re already anxious. Avoid the stress starting with those white kitchen cabinets.

Classical Beauty

No one wants to feel like their kitchen is outdated the year after they’ve finished their remodeling efforts. White kitchen cabinets are classically elegant. The shaker-style doors, like the ones above from FGM Cabinetry, are utterly timeless. They’ll likely never go out of style in your lifetime! As an added bonus, those simple lines are easy to keep clean and dust-free. There’s a reason styles like this have be in vogue for so long.

If you have any questions about white kitchen cabinets, or any other style, please feel free to reach out to us at any time.