With the holiday season beating down our door, it’s time to start thinking about the new year. And looking forward, it’s easy to see how 2019 is going to be a great one. Trends in home design will be heading in some interesting directions. Plus, with Christmas gifts and tips out of the way, you can finally save your pennies for your remodeling dreams for your East Brunswick home. We’ve gathered up some of our favorite kitchen cabinet trends for 2019 to get you started.

Different Kitchen Cabinet Materials

Craving something less traditional? A sleek and modern kitchen cabinet design may be just the ticket. You don’t have to stick with wood, wood-adjacent and fake-wood materials next year. These kitchen cabinets from Alusso will take center stage in your newly remodeled kitchen. Plus, non-wood materials are great for reflecting light in smaller spaces, and they come in plenty of light-colored options.

Pops of Color

Pairing a neutral kitchen cabinet with an accent wall is a great way to embrace this trend. However, you can also play with more permanent color variations, such as creating a stunning kitchen island. If you’re really feeling adventurous, the dual toned top and bottom shelving style is another option. Brighter colors higher up will open up a space. Darker colors on bottom help draw the eye upward as well. You’ll just need to be careful when making your selection, there’s nothing worse than going with a trendy color you only half like just to hate it by the time 2020 rolls around.

White Done Right

Is this cheating? Don’t know, don’t care. The white kitchen will never not be classic. If you’re not feeling any of the trends this time around, know that you can always fall back on this staple. It’s clean-looking. It’s easy to plan around. It’s simple. It’s timeless. Oh, and it just looks downright beautiful. Just make sure you choose a high quality kitchen cabinet maker so that you’re not stuck with chipped doors and yellowing finishes!

If you’re trying to figure out how to best choose a kitchen cabinet during a remodel of your East Brunswick home, please feel free to reach out to us for suggestions.