Designing a home that makes you feel happy to be there is one of the top concerns when remodeling. While it would be nice to have a single concrete answer for what that means, the reality is usually more complicated. Some people feel calm around cooler color palettes. Others would consider cold cabinets to be sterile. On the other hand, warm cabinets may be reminiscent of a Tuscan vacation. Or, it could look dated and old. Depending on your personal design aesthetics, remodeling a kitchen with cabinets that fit the individual is vital.

If you’re starting the process of a kitchen remodeling project in the New Jersey area, you’re likely quickly finding that you have more options than you know what to do with. Narrowing your cabinet preferences into categories will allow you to quickly separate the good ideas from the ones you shouldn’t even consider. Beyond shape and space, color is a great place to start. Try printing out a black and white image of your kitchen. Color it in with different color schemes and see how each makes you feel. After that, the next step is seeing them in person. Make sure your new kitchen sets the right vibe, and you’ll be set for a happy remodeling endeavor.

Warm Natural Wood Cabinets

Warm natural wood cabinets still leave plenty of design wiggle room. The tones run the spectrum from light and rustic to dark and stately. Keep in mind that darker cabinets on both the top and bottom of the kitchen may make the space feel smaller. If you’re working with less square-footage, consider a lighter natural wood.

Cool Colored Cabinets

If you’re going for a painted cabinet look, this is a great opportunity to play with a cooler color palette. From a lighter grey to a deep ocean blue, there are some seriously serene options. These cooler colors may be inspired by a more nautical look with the blue tones. Or, maybe you’re more of a pure, bright white kitchen fanatic. Whatever color theme inspires joy should be represented in your cabinets.

Mix and Match Cabinetry

Another option is to mix your color scheme, staying within the cool or warm end of the spectrum but sliding closer and farther toward the middle with each design aspect. This could mean a warm natural wood on the bottom cabinets and a warmer white on the upper. Maybe you want a crisp navy blue on the bottom and a warmer, creamy white on top. All-matching anything in design is going out the window these days, and good riddance.

If you have any questions about your kitchen cabinet options, feel free to reach out to us at any time.